Monthly Archives: December 2011

Here comes Santa Claus!!! UGH!

Watch out! With nearly less than a week to go before the proverbial “Holiday Season” designed by marketing gurus everywhere to suck the life out of your wallet, the joy is overflowing. NOT! I find that the older I get, the less commercialized our Christmas celebrations become. I’m not trying to be all Bah-Humbug! I seriously am struggling this year with the idea of a designated day to exchange gifts with everyone I know in an attempt to express the depth of my love and celebrate the greatest gift in the entire universe! Jesus Christ!

His birth came at a great cost and His death came at an even greater cost. The price of His gift could never be bought with money. The gift He gave could never be wrapped with cheesy, decorative paper. The gift He gave will not fit under a tree, but when stretched out hung humbly on a tree. The gift He gave was given freely without wanton expectation of insincere gratitude.

When faced with the choice to accept and exalt the gift of Grace or worship at the alter of a rosy, cheeked, obese guy in a red suit who breaks into my house to trivialize the REAL gift by leaving commercialized toys in my living room, I choose grace!

My point is not that gifts are a bad thing….I like presents as much as the next person, but don’t forget the reason that we are celebrating! It may be a federal holiday, but do not let that govern your heart!

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