Tag Archives: designer

REAL Talk for Parents!

I often wonder if the ‘high’ in the term high fashion is directly related to the mindset of the designer!

However, my most perplexing question is to the mindset of the parents who bankroll the trips to the world of ‘high-fashionville’ ?   You, as the parent, have authority over their wardrobe as well!

Do parents honestly not realize that when you choose, and make no mistake—it IS a choice, to dress your precious innocent child as a sex symbol, you are giving them permission to behave accordingly?  Then upon hearing the news from your ‘innocent’ 14 year old daughter will soon be blessing you with a grandchild, you cry out:  “Oh my!  How did this happen?”  As a father or mother who fails to protect the modesty of your male or female offspring—you are putting them on display for those who would desire to steal any element of their childhood?  This world is trying to sale you a bill of goods that may seem harmless.  After all, it’s only a pair of jeans.  Right?  Know this:  THIS world is FULL of deception! What is evil is really good at looking innocent and harmless!

Don’t believe me?  How about the sex trafficker who uses the costume of an American Marine to lure young women into a life of torture?  Or as a ‘Catholic priest’ who will win the wholehearted confidence of poor Mexican families who freely offer their most precious gifts into a life of fear and anguish.

When parents do not stand up for our children, even against our children themselves, we are sending them the message that their body is a platform to send a message and that message is that their body is available.  When  you purchase denim with embellishments attached to the derriere this draws attention to that area, you are saying, “Look at my daughter’s tush!”  When you spend a lot of money on this neon sign, you are saying, “It is very nice!  Don’t you see?”   The see-through(burnouts), low-cut or tight  shirts–are you advertising your daughters’ womanhood for the pleasure of young boys or old men?  By the way, a bra is an UNDERGARMENT!!!!  To be worn UNDER clothing!  When we allow idols who pay strangers to raise their own children to set the standard for morality in our own households, we are doomed to fail.

What about our young men?  Are they exempt from standards?  I say,  “Absolutely Not!”  Baggy jeans, gang signs, skulls and anarchy symbols send the message that their role as men no longer has value.  Our young men should be warriors, not gangsters.  Yet once again, we have allowed generations to arise that place this selfish and ruthless lifestyle on a pedestal to be admired.  It has taken its toll on our families by giving men the permission to run away from responsibility.   Women in this pop-culture, hip-hop world are viewed as something to be utilized for pleasure and nothing more.  Is that what you want for your daughter?  Because no one stands up for their hearts, young women now buy into the idea that this is their role and embrace what value they can glean from it.  I am so heartbroken as I peruse the walls of my Facebook friends and walk around my local mall! I see the path that lies ahead for each of these young people, knowing the battles that they will face and that many will lose themselves in the fight because no one, even their own DNA, does not value them!

As a mother of both girls and boys alike, I know the struggles of the current fashion trends that literally ATTACK our family unit!  I am not saying that if you buy your child an expensive pair of designer jeans you are a bad parent.  What I am saying is that your choices DO MATTER, so make them wisely.   Be clear fellow parents—it is YOUR responsibility to protect their innocence!  STEP UP!!!!!!

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