Tag Archives: marine


I am PROUD to be an American!

Yes, because I KNOW I’m FREE!  Don’t worry, I’m not going to break out into song.

But this time of year really gets me to thinking about what’s truly important.  It’s not the guy who cuts you off in traffic or the chore that doesn’t ‘quite’ get finished.  No, it’s the laugh of your children when they play.  It’s the sweet-smelling, innocent smile of a baby.  The gentle squeeze of the hand of a grandparent or the tender kiss of a lover.  It’s KNOWING God and KNOWING that you have the freedom to worship Him openly.  Sadly, we often take all of these things for granted.  Until we meet with adversity that is!  Then, and usually only then, are we once again a proud and protective people, united by that adversity.

Renown pastor, Charles Stanley, put it this way, “Adversity removes the cloak of “what we are supposed to be” to reveal the truth of what we are.”

Never has this been more true than on 9/11.  I saw our nation come together and show our enemies and allies alike that we were still united and still one nation under God.  People put aside their differences and consoled each other. Businesses closed their doors and went home to be with their families and friends.  Volunteers came from every walk of life to help.  Money and supplies were donated without a second thought of how it would affect our wallets or the bottom line.   At our core, America is a humble nation of loving and caring people.

Our enemies have painted this picture of America as a power-hungry, blood-thirsty, war  machine.   Why?  Because we are the best equipped and best trained military on the planet?  Sure, that’s one really, really good reason.  However, I believe our power rests in the heart of the American citizen.   Every country in the world defends itself.  Militias and insurgent guerrilla groups rule many areas.  Sadly, the reality is that even children around the globe are given weapons.  These factions operate out of fear and lack  the heart to defend and protect another with their own life.  They have been taught to kill out of hate and anger.  When a soldier has to make the difficult choice to take a life, it is for a greater good.    In John 15:13  (NIV) it says  “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”  I find it no coincident that in Proverbs 17:17 (NIV) it says that “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.”

As you read my thoughts today, think about the challenges that you face each and every day.   September 11th will forever remain a dark and somber day in the history of our young country.  We owe it to our fellow Americans who perished that day and especially those who willingly sacrificed their lives, to remember ‘the truth of what we are’.  Treat your neighbors with love, kindness  and compassion and not contempt or envy.   Love your children like they are the most precious thing in your life.  Thank a Soldier, Sailor, Marine or Airman JUST for willingly offering their life to defend the freedoms that you lay your head on at night and beat your chest over during the day.   Moreover, remember to thank God in Heaven for your TRUE freedom, paid for by His son, Jesus Christ, who willingly laid down His life for YOU and for ME on the cross!

Pray for our country, its leaders (whether we agree with them or not), our military and our fellow citizens.  Pray that when your cloak is stripped away, you will be proud of what adversity brings to light, because truth is always found in the light!

God Bless and God Bless America!


An American

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