Tag Archives: country

Why I Hate The News…..

Just a quick thought……..what if the ‘media’ actually reported the facts and nothing else?

What if people actually had to think for themselves?

Do you truly know why you support the causes that you do? Do you truly know what the function of those causes are and how effective they are? Or do you, like many celebrities and even politicians, jump on the heaviest and most popular bandwagon?
Do you know why you vote the way you do? Do you know their voting history—you know—what they REALLY do versus what they PROMISE they’ll do if elected or re-elected? Have you looked at how what they SAY lines up with what they actually DID while in office or a position?
Why do we continually buy the lie? Hook, line and sinker…….Because it’s easy and it’s everywhere.   I am a self-proclaimed bargain shopping queen.   As any good bargain shopper knows, you have to search for the hidden treasures. I think the same is true for the news today. The days of being able to rely on mainstream media for what is going on in the world are long gone.   Even the media outlets that flaunt themselves with the idea of being objective are just out to make a point! I challenge you all to look for the unbiased truth in all of the ‘breaking news of the day’! Better yet……look to the stories that aren’t big enough to make the front page…..that’s where life is happening and our liberties are being slowly and secretly extinguished.

What if you actually thought for yourself today???????

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