Tag Archives: tolerant

Tolerance Is a Bad Word

Tolerance in society today is nothing more than a new way to say politically correct!  Growing up in the South, I have seen the evolution of today’s tolerance.  I believe that many great changes and influences resulted from the Civil Rights Movement.  I believe that all people should be treated equally, regardless of sex, color or creed.  However, I feel that a great injustice was done with the introduction of such compromise in terms as tolerance.

As defined by Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary, tolerance is known as the capacity to endure pain or hardship!  Do you think that is what the leaders of this national campaign for EQUAL rights had in mind—was that when they finished laying down their lives for this cause that they would have done so in the name of being endured or considered a hardship?


Tolerance is also defined as having sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one’s own.  As Americans, we, of all people, should to be respectful of others, but that word indulgence gives me grief.  How about this definition???  The act of allowing something!  It is further described as the allowable deviation from a standard.  Just curious, WHO is doing the allowing????  WHO sets the standard and how far can you deviate from it before you are considered wrong?


As a soldier, I was bombarded with this idea of tolerance in a setting of strict regimental guidelines.  Needless to say, it doesn’t work there!  It just looks good to parents and politicians who are running for re-election.  It makes our military weak!  In our society today, this banner of tolerance has given many a free pass to not only be lazy but to force their own beliefs onto others which by its very definition is NOT tolerance!!!!


I see this most prevalently as a follower of Christ!  If a person who follows a religion other than Judeo-Christian wishes to observe a religious holiday, a society as a whole is expected to honor their ‘right’ to do so.  However, Christians are not allowed to do the same?  I find it most amazing that it is the Christian community who are considered “intolerant”!!!!  Here is what I say to that:  “I, as a follower of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, am not called to be tolerant!”


My example is not one of tolerance, it is one of compassion!  Jesus never showed anyone tolerance, He went farther than enduring them, allowing them to express their wishes, farther than indulging them!  He showed them mercy!  He showed them grace!  He had compassion on them because each person, regardless of the color of their skin, their sex, their socioeconomic status, their education, their choices or their religion………….is seen as a SOUL!!!!!!!!!!   Not the sum of who they want you to think they are, but who they truly are!  He knew that their eternity depended on His sacrifice, regardless of ‘their intolerance’ of Him!


I pray that no one ever labels me as tolerant!!!!  Jesus did not tolerate what was against the teachings of God, but He did educate, correct and love them…..even in His death on the cross, He had compassion!  What are you tolerating?



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